Wednesday, July 26, 2006

home sweet hammock

after a holiday in Malawi, learning to scuba dive
after teaching a group of 30 plus kids from the alternative learning school about aperature
after a adventure on a night ferry from Zanzibar to
zanzibar wonderful, music and movies,
friends and sugar cane juice
i am starting my return journey towards home
today i sent a package that weighted 22 kg by boat to my friend abby in ottawa
so heavy i had to ask the guard to move it from one counter to the next
filled with artifacts and souvenears, gifts for family and rafikis
making a maiden voyage over surface, set to arrive before christmas.
145 000 shillings with unknown amount inside
money, intangible and abstract
afterwards off to eat fish for lunch with a employee of the CCM
the only policitical party with any power on mainland tanzania
telling me i could get a job in the ministry of natural resources and tourism,
simply due to my western upbringing, somehow making me more employable
i did use the government internet connection to write half of this entry.
nevertheless i am still hunting down film stock, sending sms to strangers
asking them to ask there friends, holding my time at arms distance
in order to avoid x-rayfogging on my 16mm film stock
meeting new born baby, Ella Nuru born to karen and john on saturday
the size of a goose, with blue eyes & lots of room to grow
I return to my hammock of hope,
peace washes over me like the waves on the sand
i take naps which replensh my adventure
visiting with friends on a porch that is familiar to me
talking all under the sun, including how were are very clever
and how the state of time in the world is very interesting

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