Wednesday, May 09, 2007


location: on the road again, brooklyn NYC, richmond VA, knoxville, breakfast in mephis, top roller in amirrillo TX where everything is big, albequrque, grants, gallup,NM sheer across arizona, barstow and back again
environment: adventure and apprehension, truckers getting there stomach stapled, people who instal air conditioners, motor cross racers who paint black over blond and leave a trophy backyard; grasping the scissor tightly in my bag while listing to the romantic language of ola. fear running marthons in my head followed shortly by the hare of fence hopping adreaniline and dessert heat. oh sweet music,water

swim ing pacific surf at st clemente,
where the life guards ask
have you been drinking!
why no sir i am just crazy is all
getting a donation or 6 cents via private school lexus
sleeping under the desert stars
wakign to the biting sun
sharing a tent with huricane Mike
urinations in gate communities and a lost highway
hitting a deer in the utah bluffs
do not worry someone else killed it for me
i didnt bust up the denver bound audi
25 miles for petrol of the interstare
brighton for sushi greyhound for a piece of st louis
flat tire belguim beer in chicago,
empty penthouse pool but lobby internet
welcome to detroit niggers
so happy to be among my polite supressed people
self censorship never felt so good
western windsor treepanter on energy drinks
depart upon reaching my home town
riding the 13 down wellington rd

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