Tuesday, April 10, 2007

industial art day

trendy neighbourhood inbetween p[arkdale and the go train; plenty of converted factories with red brick, reminescent ufo moalawi of wheyn canada was still a baby, maturing to the economicly driven ness you now stand in. it stand in you. the industrial art i was lucky to particiate in was a great designed montross of a plastic candelaire. their was peanuts on the work bench adn surf boards inthe bathroom. this artists could hire worksers ( although i simply worked a few hours for a bicycle tune up) and clearly had hobbby, and dare i say beautiful ideas. i though while i thred metal stings thru plastic rods the evolution of art, how it has become detached from the process of production and became a idea generation venture, akin to advertising€but less often transparent. was this piece destined for a grand hall, a common building idea with out action solid to city hall and put on diplay as tax dollars supporting the people who pay them and making a big produciton out of it. ONce i returned home to the broken couch party, i agian experienced the senstaion of peace and knowing. i had felt it before in the state of euphoria and my logical mind knows the idea well, but the experience is certainly not a constant state, more like the fl;oating of a healium ballon

Monday, April 02, 2007

after the sap sip

location: amanda computer
environment:living room amboseli safari

as night settles into sunday i sort out the memories and expectation
me own design and imaginations i adopted. self invention
my sugar shack sailing dreams as simply small and solid steps away