Monday, June 05, 2006

World Environment day

I woke up running, late for a practical interview, that actually turned out to be a test. can i really handle teaching 21 tots? i had fun but felt it was all boiling energy and abuse; they were fighing, and not listening, and i could barely give my attention to the ones who were following instructions. I felt stupid repeating myself and observed my cute/ quirky handwritting of mixing capitals with lowercase can be confusing to people who don't know better. after singing songs and performing a cool colour mixing demonstation (which kids cried about not being asked to volunteer) i left, tired and feeling defeated. my attitude showed when i went to the older classes to collect art and photos they had promised to complete for the World Environemnet day contest. only 2 students had prepared anything, and for one i had to fill in the form. oh well, go home to lick my wounds, drink tea and read in a hammock ( i'd like to make that activity my full time job) i got a boy who lives down stairs to draw me a picture so i could enter it into the contest, but he only wanted to pay tic tac toe.. then someone called, about dropping off photos for the contest, a teacher at another private school. so i waited, and eventually this dude arrived with 12 photos, from kenya and the safari circuit here. glossy giraffe and elephants with the entry formed glued on the backa dn the cardboard border just like i had specified in the rules. the adult rate of 2000tsh per photo i raised a total of $24, and i have a renewed faith that someone may enter before the final deadline. this happening however really changed my perspective of the day. someone heard me and responded, making my ideas and voluntary efforts some how valid/ worthwhile. i wasn't a failure only a small fry.

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