Wednesday, July 19, 2006

master class with mervin van pebbles

black man with a white beard& bandanna, the way he generalizes and asnweres questions reminds me of my steamroller father. films are about perception, a so called mass media, with some films about a dog having puppies, 20 minutes stretched into 3 hours with murder added. technology ha, cellphone cinema vs. 35mm. i do what i like because i may have to eat it for the rest of the week. be honest about the thrist for bling b;ling, hollywood red carpet treatment. reveal to myself creative or commercial. my sucess is to be a full person. to address the gender gapin art he took a woman question first. one major problem with film is that they are not made inside a fishbowl, liabilities must be made into assests. to be independant sometimes means you are sly. superimposed images and sounds- sing in a round. to narate simulateously means the spirit senses can comprehend but the mind can not explain. in 1957 you could make a feature on film for $500. "i dont know what a film director does, i just wanna make a movie. the bumble bee is not areodynamically sound, but it doesn't know that.. so if flyies"
to make a documentary, means you need to anayse the market & distribution venues. find out where the rubber meets the road. Masters now-days can be intended for cinema, network, channels, internet, ipod nation avenues. the VIDeo solution & dilema. celluloid needs lots of light. 1.exposure 2. coutours, shadows depth. if video is treated like celluloid it is seamless, if not it falls flat. secret to life is practice - learning. medium is the message, make a film before the play or the other way? litterally become a beggar, but have a plan. work with unreliable people or depend solely on yourself? i hire political people rather than technical. troubleshooters wearing eyeliner will find there way into your life. i am a winner i need only to grasp it. distribution is key for independants, be careful, reverse your creative process, while listening to march songs.
take your strongest suit, win then spread it out. cool hunter, hipe creation, buzz word weaver. Bao stradgy. a sniper hits dircectly without waste, any monkey can work a greasy gun.
my own film notes.....embrace my musicaina murderer, shy introvert storyteller.
roof top on zbar
indian ocean on all sides but one, if you look closely, past the corrigated iron roofs, it is there too, 3 boats, islands, dhows dotting the coast, fishing for pweza.

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