Saturday, August 12, 2006

glaciers of kilimanjaro

goodbye dar es salaam. perfect-yesterday- i arrive in a new town, arusha, got a free ride in a 10 seater plane, with heaps of un-ending gratittude to my friend Julian, (pictured Thom is the one with crazychop sticks) his presence, talents, connections. After we landed in my final destination he bought me coffee, chapatti, asked me about my films, why i make them. for once i wanted to talk about it, owning, accepting that desire, art for life's sake stuff. in the plane, he even let me hold the controls , flying it( and the 4 people inside) parallel to the coast line of zanzibar ( how cool is that, officailly i have now been there 4 times, even if for a few minutes) but when we landed, i hurled, water out the door. yikes, i am not yet a great co-pilot, scaring every passanger, putting on a show for the tourist at the airport. generally being unprofessional... perhaps it is my style...or habit. back in the air again, i hit a state of calm, closed my eyes to the variant shades of blues, light to dark, sky to sea, with a soft cotton candy crust of bubbly clouds, like a cosmic cappucino, i took a peace nap, and opened my eyes to see mount kilimanjaro, complete with glaciers, BIRTHED IT'S ROUND HEAD FROM THE CLOUDS. jUST LIKE BEING IN HEAVEN, or perhaps a bird...albatross with powerful wings. through the clouds, a touch of rain, streaking the windows with stripes as the drops stretched across the speed. apon arrival i puked again, then went to a dr.( i am fine, just airsick) & hotel to sleep it off, the descending tied my stomach into knots, then had a reverse gravity thing going on. This morning i feel slow, adn anti-social but generally healthy-fine, hakuna fever, aches. i may even eat a full breakfast before i find a bus in search of my next adventure.
karibu arusha, and your cold weather... a hop...skip....jump.... from kenya...nairobi...etc

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