Friday, August 10, 2007

saskatoon berries from the vine

environment:cafinated and healing

where i learned to be a horse womyn. waterton lakes nation pk. 2 mountains north of montana. deers muching on lawns to the point of fensing in flower boxes. inviting myself behind the line at the concession for a bag of popcorn even when the snack bar was closed. marching in time with my pulse as i pull my will towards the peak. the sun is close to my face and i am planting a flag of feeling on my first mountian. using safety pins to attach a suit and tie to become the idiot string of my cowboy hat. lost lonce on a death grip gallop but recovered by a generous hero. realizing that i have countless rolemodels revolving in the inspirational segment of my days. useing the tools at hand. the feet touching the earth. picking mountain yarrow and chewing the flowers. discoving wormwood sage and it's medicinal properties. snacking on thimble and elderberries. feeling the freedom of the flying petals of the creekside wildflowers. rubbing at my calused palm, with it's saddlehorn imprint. loving the pain and speed.

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