Friday, July 13, 2007

compoundword cookieconsciousness

" good morngin starshine, the earth says hello
you twinkle above us, we twinkle below"

"have you ever loved enought to destroy your love"

environment: gassey wiht soft sleeping breath/
location: valley view park place developement in cow town
directly across from a weedwacked lawn and a a pin grove of two.
are 4 model houses. on display wiht different siding
1.eclispse, with the snappi-set name and most plastic venners
2.something rather -shire with cobbble likte faux finish
etc etc great marketing thanksfully not rememebered
where i appeased my most shaddowed of self. deciet.vainity and excess. dishonety flips the page as i embrace my shortcomings allowing there space to be.better&now
or here...

Among the Yanyuwa Aboriginal people who live along the coast of Australia's Northern Territory, the word for "fat" is nalu-ngiliny. It doesn't merely refer to the greasy stuff that grows naturally under the skin of animal bodies. It's also a metaphysical term for vitality. Anything that's rich in nalu-ngiliny is healthy. A certain landscape may be considered fat, for instance, which means that it's fertile and sacred. When acacia flowers bloom each year, it's a sign that sea turtles and the marine mammals known as dugongs, favorite foods of the Yanyuwa, are "fat" and ready to be hunted. Your assignment in the coming week is to identify the things in your life that are nalu-ngiliny, and to give them the honor, gratitude, and nurturing they deserve.

one thing that sticks me as odd is my intense ability to critize in a regal and self important manner. just today i uttered the words "i think i know more about karma than you" how selfish indulgent and haugthy of me. because i dont have a gold seal with my name misspelt, perhaps the becasue i have read more books than you pertaining to eastern philiosphy but you have read way more books on the oratation of human behaivor modifications. maybe i could use some, and i embrace my addictionself anaalsyisis and acceptimptrove. appreciate my time spent and lesson gleaned.
the fat i am harvesting today is a carnal and diestructive. the excessive weeds i pulled from the flower bed, that had roots so deep it took all my might, heaving, using my legs towardsbliss the moon to eject. it had grown taller that 4 out of five original immediatemembers. thats how excess rolls i suppose. growing out of control until all is lost and winter renews. it is this angreattachment of the death that propells us to be reborn, lost in the cycle.

as i type, chewing my thumb nail, twisting my hair. look over at my reflection in the mirror and pinch at my arm fat displaying the musculature. looking more athletic and powerful by the moment. merely a matter of timeffort and dreams realized.
inspiration plus persperation = asperation
first i'll take this magic moment to honor & nurture .to eat greasy delite to fill in the gaps. as i pluck at the feathers of my fears i label them lightly, let let them into the wind. still exsisting but not attached. my appreciation extends to the thief, and the victim and the product. and the waste. the model homes with there empty advertnames. to the tar ponds sceen from space and the jobs of the families who make them. to coffee and crap and letting things be different and whole. the diverse cultural observation in the A&W, the rootbeer in a icyed mug, the $15 to pay my karmic debt to capital. to the electronica environmenta, to the wordsongs pryied into my exsistance, filling the most unusual corners; to my lovely friend some of whom i left behind, some of whom i chase, some of who i dont yet know consciously, everything up until this point and everything beyond, to now

the today i'll be vernonique, it is a tribute.
to a comrade that lent me her life in such a joyus way.
back on the road again i miss my british buddy.
a pickle in your ear

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