Tuesday, July 03, 2007

letting myself love on the run

location: finch and vic park
environment: lovely esp & bus bliss with eggs

ophh. the sweet shisper of wordson the subway. untill the guilt and habit forming acctivity set in

it is in my seldomly modest opinon i would like to announce that i believe emotions are signals, flags that send us messages about what are core selves are. certainly not things to be supressed or controled with logic. we all can control our actions with our thoughts but emotions come from a wiser place than are minds, somewhere between our heart and soul, a home for wisdom, a room called instinct. they are oftern without reason or design, lack structural integrity and engineering, but they work non-the-less ( did you know that acording to science a bumblebee can't fly, but i have witness the flowers polinated, and tasted the honey) i am glad you are feeling better because i understand that to be better than bad, but emotional, is a place of learning, more profound than a text book. run or hide ( or banish)from them if you will but i 'll bet that no matter if you travel at the speed of light they can catch you.

are my signals a mere physical response to stimuli? is it a was of telling me to stay still despite my troublesome horoscope? is the fog and deja vu a way to have heaven in the now now? do i feel free and powerful? what is my reason d'etre du jour?

the pythagorus parable in paraphrase by smf
it is rare in life that we are one thing, height weight, orientation, attitude, etc for our entire lives. i am a creature of chance and marvel in my flexible nature. my strenghts our not simply limited to one venure and can be applied in any cercumstance. our way changes as we grow.sometimes we play the role of merchant, buzing ourselves with commerce, choice and culture. other times still we take up the centre stage, and boldly shine in the spotlight as our dynamic artist self. and sometimes we are the audience philosopher, watching the fair play it's self out, appreciating the glory and gruesque grandure and wondering why. can we ever know? can we stay in one phase of ourselves for concistancies sake? can't we just spin the wheel and play the game?

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