Monday, February 02, 2009


location:nite home dark quiet

What is your understanding of a "just society"? And where do you see the greatest social inequalities in our world

“Sometimes I am overcome, thinking about it”…. Van Morison

To understand and explore the concept of a “just society” many agreements must be met personally, and universally respected, the first of which, a balance of conscious responsibility for our interactions. By creating a delicate web of connectedness, a simple appreciation of unity is possible, leading beings to engage in actions of responsible unity. Here I see “just” implying wholeness, where by, justice and respect is shared with all life and “society” is the bonds, relations and negotiations involved in truth.

“ One unmoving that is swifter than mind, that the gods reach not, for it passes ever in front, that standing passes beyond others as they run”

To start I will swallow it whole, all encompassing, as if it were a compound word, “Justsociety” and understand it to mean an ideal place to live, a community where health and peace are predominant choices of the individual. Specific regions of respected land and water; where people sustain relations with energy and communicate with each other, for the benefit of the collective concerns. That fertile space nurtures the seeds to amazing human achievement and growth, dare I use the word, intelligence. To build the root system with an awareness of historical observation and recorded list of lessons learned, a trunk full of consensus, growing skyward with universal magnetic conductivity. Intention and metaphysical technologies integrate to make a working community. We all unconsciously understand a uniform togetherness, a watery receptive dream space, despite the dominance in the brain functions of a dualistic tick echo, the power of ego, Self or I.

“While you see that those close to you are drowning in the ocean of cyclic existence, and are as if fallen into a whirlwind of fire, There is nothing more awful than to work for your own liberation, neglecting those whom you don not recognize to the process of death and rebirth.

Rebirths happen constantly; people are named in honor or others (in fact a sister of mine is named Njoki, which translates to the meaning -replacement.) I believe myself to have had more than one rebirth in this lifetime. When people use the phrase “ to turn over a new leaf” they are themselves admitting the death of the old leaf and a rebirth of consciousness anew. Peeling back each layer of awareness from the metaphorical onion. Every individuals’ vast channels for different dimensions and demeanors, meet in a specific time and space with peers, adjoining is what makes up a conscious society. People whom in adding value to their appreciation of all that is, including pain and suffering for all side of the victim experience. Eventually in the souls’ evolution we no longer need to use that experience to learn the lesson of wholeness. We can connect to enough energy to maintain an altruistic attitude. This change of mind starts by slowly shifting focus from soothing pain to recalling the experience of health. Using the body’s power, within each cell, we can sense the power traps and release their power over us. One can embody peace powered liberation movements and humane treatment to all forms of matter. People who value their sorrow and joy equally as part of the holistic experience.

“At present you find it unbearable that your friends suffer, but you are pleased that your enemies suffer, and you are indifferent to the suffering of a neutral person. “

Society is not simply a random grouping of beings, but ones with the intent to collaborate unselfishly together. In order to be a part of society you must believe you are. It is organic and thus has consciousness. The commons of shared resources, established an organized power structure, to which everyone administers and receives. Like cogs set together in a working watch every wheel has a unique and important duty. To pool there individual resources, to create a commune of communication, only as strong as it’s weakest link.

“The basic conflict between good and evil spoken of by religion is about the transition from chaos to intelligent order…(which will)…. provide a level playing field for all should be able to achieve their personal best without restricting their fellow human being’s opportunities. The rule of law should replace the rule of the jungle. ”

This is a very fine line to walk. I understand there to be various hieratical levels within the concept of law, natural, civil, criminal, etc. Part of the objective in creating a justice system is in being able to relate to each other in a neutral way. Whereby recognizing each others opposite with a right to exist and any other commonalities. In order create a mark of understanding we also create a void of misunderstanding. Positive or negative reaction aside a trading sides or blurred definitions happen the close to the middle you are at. To experience a taste for inclusion we must first distinguish the sensation of isolation. To build something of a collective framework, you must start off with a need for one, but nothing at a base.

”When you were hungry and thirsty, she gave you food and drink, when you were cold, clothes; when you had nothing, she gave you everything of value. “

I spoke with a kind woman, at her kitchen table, dog under feet, about many things. Late at night we exchanged ideas over meals. She had jungle around the house with a pride and joy pair of potted bejaminas. Her stories of a stormy night set a sail and the boats heroine, her broken foot, and her hurting sons. We explored the pain of loss, the fear of freedom and the fun or mastering a challenge with an earnest fervor. The idea of an unfair or accidental encounter is really learning experience in disguise. A mother’s reserve for perseverance paired with the amazing ability of anyone to do what they feel they need to do, Oddly surprised by her kind words, what I had already known to be true through intuited wisdom, appreciating it’s sound vibration to hear that truth again. I asked what feelings she got from the words “Just Society” since her specific perspective as a seasoned professional in human rights law afforded her a unique expert opinion.

Just= blind Injustice= people

A blindfolded goddess calmly measures the fates of the day with her scales. Unbiased, respectful, calm. On one side, life’s light, balances out the dark of death; an image of yin plus yang, equate to a combined “all that is-ness”. The response invoked a lowest common denominator scenario of choice, duality and contrast. To first focus on the self; a blind individual that’s challenging circumstances provide a basis of understanding and fair measurement from which a model of just (and thus inverse set of unjust) choices can be derived from. Inversely, a fortress of freedom and rights captured temporarily on paper creates a precedent timeline, where status can be shared by judicial means. The legal system is built on a construct of all people having choice, between decisions of just or unjust consequences to themselves and others. However much truth weights, in the rule of law, is measured in units of social and mental perspective. When expression is censored by others, rather than policed by our peers, and ourselves, we begin to loose the ability to choose and rather default to the necessity of survival. This is experienced through poverty and oppression where the individual selves respect and dignity is taken, thus adding pain and suffering to the collective experience. A great lost, is the ability to believe one can choose to be free. Pain and fear attract each other, for which the only solution can be a reversal into one own well of compassion and peace of mind.

“ If the internal enemy of hatred is not tamed, when one tries to tame external enemies, they increase. Therefore, it is a practice of the wise to tame themselves By means of the forces of love and compassion”

Can I even imagine an existence without this oppression in any form? Where power cam from inner strength of character and imagination as a replacement for knowledge, brute force or money. The ideas are warming in the cook pot on the hearth of my mind. As place where all beings are welcome to experience the souls essence of the purest self. Our highest intentions can be experienced wholly. Making a choice to be free from hate, abuse, violence, greed, incarceration, addiction, dependence, (self) censorship, moralistic judgment, brainwash, racism, sexism, prejudice, inequality, suffering and egotistical solution-ism.

“We have got to go a long way to find a new balance that allows us to be perfectly poised between life and death, between future and no future, between lifestyle changes and holding on, between chaos and cosmos, between the formless and the formed. In all these tensions, we have to find out balance, so that we are not tapped in one and therefore frightened by the other”

First, requires an ability to identify each emotion within the context of your own life experience. T o realize reactions are merely a measure of a perspective that can be shifted. For when we all, as children went from crawling to walking we did not forget how to get around on all fours. The ignorance exists still at the root of the intelligence, they balances each other exact and precise like a shadow. It is the reaction (over which we have varying degrees of control) to the catalyst that triggers the big bangs of the future, the subsequently the stories in the history books. To the victors go the spoils, which becomes burdened with bulging pockets.

“Without hope of reward. Provide help to others”
“Compassion is a mind having the single savor of mercy for all sentient being. From Compassion all aims are achieved”

Intelligence is learned, the school is the source of information. Knowledge is expanded upon, practiced and rehearsed, taught by another with the wisdom of years. The accumulated years result in an understanding of earthly natural patterns. Becoming accustomed to a child or animal like, predictable, a behavior the matured old crone appreciates. Wisdom without ego is a likely reaction of experience and forecasting a predetermined next step is predictable. When presented with the spectrum of memory the personal story seams linear. As years pass a matrix of options and potentials can become clear by participating in reflections and projections. With Time deconstructs fear into manageable, logical chunks, allowing absorption and release. A tolerance for calm reflection on past pain, “fight or flight” situations of difficultly are essential to gaining wisdom from our animal natures.

“It’s an earth wisdom that comes from having lived long enough, having suffered enough, having gotten through enough lives to have a perspective on it.”

By shining light into these dark corners and closets of our psyche we can take ownership of the fear. With the observation of the fear, a patient person may contribute that energy towards a direction of practicing peacefulness. This replacement process takes total commitment and faith. From the place of pain, a truth of safety can grow, kindness and compassion with an inclusive consciousness (spanning the vast dimensions of action and reaction through space and time.) The tree of knowledge contains in its boughs examples of good and evil incarnate, but it is the individual who weighs the value of each fact. If any one avenue of thought leans towards the extremes, straining the balance is broken. Temperance is needed to maintain equilibrium. Focus on the fine grey line of overlap between black and white regions.

“My definition of evil is that it’s the necessary concomitant result of consciousness passing from instinct to full awareness, and that in the process you’re going to get experimentation from whatever level of ignorance the human being happens to be at the time. The experimentation will produce the side effect of evil, from which the human being will the be forced to learn and transcend”

To understand a common ground we must define our collection of people; what sort situations do these populations encounter, where do they live? A basic ecological equation is based on a physical need of the group’s members divided by the local availability of resources required. How much resources are used in procuring the societies demand for resources? By integrating the needs of the entire group and insuring that the largest independent predator balances population and power with the lowest on the food chain, or common denominator. A common ground of healthy and liberty for all allows any to exercise a meaningful role in the play of life. In using this ecological metaphor for our political, economic and social encounters, an encouraging framework is unearthed where people choose to stop hurting themselves and each other by instead providing basic needs, rights and opportunities to all who want them, regardless of circumstance.

“The altruistic intention, is to seek supreme enlightenment for the sake of others”

The personal responsibility involved in this agreement that extends to all aspects of life, physical, mental and spiritual. In recognizing that first, this physical self who is my body and ideas within its consciousness can recognize the shared spiritual nature of other being comparable to self. Secondly, more than two of these selves share mentally the idea of cohesion. Society is intentionally built (with sometimes supple or flawed materials), by a group of selves, each individual organism with its own strengths and weakness who contribute those to the collective.

“You can’t talk about just physical survival without the spiritual aspects, and you can’t talk about the spiritual aspects without talking care of the body. People need to understand that this is the age of purification for ourselves, for the Earth and that we have to be active in the process, not passive. “

Further we can put into practice some of our more nurturing intelligence for the total health and benefit of all. By treating ourselves with love we can begin to have interdependent relationships with each other that are to longer based in filling an inner void, free from struggles for power. When many direct their energy together to make a larger stronger organism much change can take place (sometimes called a nation or company.) Many of these relationships are based on role-plays and ideas. Family dynamics of nurture and support become projection of ego, assumptions. The expectations that two beings burden upon each other, for there shared spiritual progress.

“Women blame men, men blame women, one nation blames another, the shadow is projected onto somebody else, and until we can take responsibility for our own power structures and out own envy and jealousy, hatred and greed, the situation is not going to change”

In order to derail this train of thought from the risk of sounding sexist or communistic or cyclical I will realign with the majority by venturing down the avenue of economics. When intelligence is a result of age, it can be tied to the finite limits of natural laws, however power as examined through the lens of wealth, it takes on a variant abstraction that retains the sky is the limit. The process is shifting gears from a sexual or natural position, where bias can be emotional attached, to a more cut and dry model of measurement, where a mental logic retain the prejudice. Money, you either have it or you don’t. The in the comparison of health and wealth we may find a gray area extend itself here between rich and poor
"I am in a dilemma. I want to obey Canadian law but Algonquin law instructs me that I must preserve Creation. I must follow Algonquin law."

We can start a campaign to abandon that term, "making money", since money cannot be made, only traded, value converted from natural resource to disposable liquid cash or accepted legal tender. A dollar that one person has is the same dollar that someone else doesn't have; thus the concept of trading value to another individual in a finite environment. To understand this matter in a relative manner please allow the following language equation. “For me to be +10 someone else has to be –10.” But in fact both individuals, experience a positive and negative defined net worth, within the exchange of giving and taking, moving towards an understanding economic of justice.

In this understanding, the presence of tradable monies (as a unit of constant variants) is evident to be a measurement of an individual worth within a social hierarchy. Economies are an abstract arena where our interconnectedness can be intellectually extrapolated as supply and demand. The Emperor is the godhead, owner of knowledge and means of production, by which agreements are negotiated to benefit. Taxation is a concept to which independent trades are reduced by a small percentage to support the common ground of the culture. However the very perception of wealth on a basis that it can be present or absent (made or lost) is limited and instead may be observed as a medium of exchange, a movement which is potential to kinetic, traded labour and skills in kind flows towards goods and services.

“There are some people who seemingly have psychotic breakdowns, when in effect they are spiritual breakthroughs.”

I feel the current definition of justice in our legal system, run by the abstract unit of wealth is out of balance and does not follow natural laws. The double standard exists in doing your part in society as a negative element or refusing to pay the ticket price for the horrors. In seeking definitions from an accessible place of comparison, to the notes of my own extrapolating on topic. In an effort to use a common source the following definitions are from the website

just –adjective
We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.
guided by truth, reason, justice, and fairness:
done or made according to principle; equitable; proper: a just reply.
based on right; rightful; lawful: a just claim.
in keeping with truth or fact; true; correct: a just analysis.
given or awarded rightly; deserved, as a sentence, punishment, or reward: a just penalty.
in accordance with standards or requirements; proper or right: just proportions.
(esp. in Biblical use) righteous.
actual, real, or genuine.
within a brief preceding time; but a moment before: The sun just came out.
exactly or precisely: This is just what I mean.
by a narrow margin; barely: The arrow just missed the mark.
only or merely: He was just a clerk until he became ambitious.
actually; really; positively: The weather is just glorious

Origin: 1325–75; ME < L jūstus righteous, equiv. to jūs law, right + -tus adj. suffix
society –noun
an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.
a body of individuals living as members of a community; community.
the body of human beings generally, associated or viewed as members of a community: the evolution of human society.
a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its members: American society.
such a system characterized by its dominant economic class or form: middle-class society; industrial society.
those with whom one has companionship.
companionship; company: to enjoy one's society.
the social class that comprises such persons.
the social life of wealthy, prominent, or fashionable persons.
the condition of those living in companionship with others, or in a community, rather than in isolation.
Biology. a closely integrated group of social organisms of the same species exhibiting division of labor.
Ecclesiastical. an ecclesiastical society.
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of elegant society: a society photographer.

Origin: 1525–35; < MF societe < L societās, equiv. to soci(us) partner, comrade + -etās, var. of -itās- -ity

To examine the definitions origins is to understand the meaning, its history. A righteous comrade of courage; an expression reminiscent of being on the winning side of a conflict. A just society is an individual’s triumphant allegiance with intellect and altruism. Both words are derived from a biblical or ecclesiastical past, which leads to wisdom accrued by time spent experiencing the natural laws when we can all honestly say,” I am doing everything possible to accomplish the following goal." Playing my part within the framework of a just society. When we will activate, as a population, to experience a peaceful balance of give and take. Acceptance of an inclusive consciousness; that which is aware of the reactions around ones actions. To better integrate the minds ability to predict outcomes of choices so that we can create a culture of responsible unity and protection for those in need of support.

Let’s change our thinking and thus our actions! Do it today!

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