Saturday, February 07, 2009

(Today I am a poet)

location: awaiting departure
environment: from home

a) activities
healthy food in healthy energy out
walking in the woods, pissing in the pond
howling at the moon, hammer out a tune
pianoforte harmonica maraca noise toys
philosophize, paint. draw. ponder.
write, think, read. wonder
practice poetry
ecstatic dance free
tell stories and jokes,
to all sorts of blokes;
at high speeds, la capucinne
sitting in a rocker
eating betty crocker
knitting, knotting, kittykat petting -next to me mummy
ideas in glances of shooting light, out the corner of eyes at midnight
walking, destructing distracting cycling cooking creating
balancing act inner and outer growth
sea lions . sea stars. see saws seeds
stretch shine scratch
32 flavours red
for drama
1 in every colours’shade
2 in every tone, three for connecting the dots.
Learning forgiveness for folly emotionally empting out
Pain collecting just underneath the surface of the skins cover
Blood circulating secreted mineral salts Bruised
Ego-extremes exterting their forces
Gravity extractor
Soaking blues
in the tub to be(ome
clean pure water plus heat & presence
ABSENCE constellations calculations and mapping
Movement shifts in the sky and self towards celinity
Finding oneself still in the cyclical eye of the cyclone

The end

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